Friday, April 13, 2012

In response to Jessica's blog,  "The American Dream", I absolutely agree with what you had to say about the Staar test.  My son is a 7th grader in the Austin Independent School district.  The focus for the first half of the year was preparing the students to pass the Staar test.  I think that these standardized tests only put pressure on the students and teachers to hit a standard instead of making sure that students are learning and able to persevere through high school and go to college.  I agree that standardized testing is a great tool to see where the kids are progressing and maybe where more focus needs to be had.  But, putting too much value on these tests only makes the teachers teach what is tested.  There needs to be a better way to let the teachers teach the kids what is needed to move on and be successful than to be successful on ONE TEST!!  It is frustrating for teachers and parents.

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